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Human Animal Bond

Where Did Everyone Go?

By August 30, 2018 No Comments

Where Did Everyone Go?


Back to school, back to work, now your furry friend is home alone. Some pets welcome this period of readjustment. Others can act out in bizarre, damaging and often costly behavior resulting from separation anxiety. The emotions behind the behavior are real to your pet and it is likely not something they will just get over. In fact, left untreated, the behavior usually gets worse.

Separation anxiety occurs in both dogs and cats. Common symptoms include:

            Urinating or defecating in the house or outside the litter box

            Barking or howling

            Chewing, digging or other destructive behavior

            Trying to escape


It is unclear why pets develop separation anxiety. It is believed that the loss of an important person or group of people in a pet’s life can trigger the behavior. Separation anxiety is often observed in animals that have been surrendered to a shelter or placed in a new home. Any change in schedule can lead to anxiety.


It is important to see your veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions that could contribute to the behavior such as urinary tract infection, kidney disease, bladder stones, diabetes or neurological problems.


Capitaland Animal Hospital can help diagnose separation anxiety in your pet and offers a number of natural calming and behavioral therapies to help your pet get through this difficult time. Medication can be prescribed when it is in the best interest of the pet.


Be aware of any subtle changes in your pet’s behavior. Early intervention can help correct the behavior before it gets worse. It won’t go away and they won’t just get over it. Left untreated, it will likely only escalate.


Call the team at Capitaland Animal Hospital at the first sign of any unusual behavior to be sure your pet continues to live a happy, healthy lifestyle.

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