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Pet Health Library


  • Common conditions of pet hedgehogs include internal and external parasites, ringworm, cancer, pneumonia, gastrointestinal disease, and obesity. Signs of illness or disease are often vague and non-specific, such as lack of appetite and lethargy. Therefore, any deviation from your hedgehog’s normal habits should be cause for concern and should be evaluated by your veterinarian.

  • Hedgehogs can have several unique problems, including cancer, dental disease, obesity, and foreign bodies. It is important for an owner to understand what these problems are so veterinary care can be provided to their hedgehog when needed and in a timely manner.

  • Hepatozoonosis in dogs is caused by ingestion of one of two organisms: H. americanum and H. canis. Both parasites are more common in the southern United States. The clinical sign and treatments for dogs with hepatozoonosis differ depending on the parasite species causing the infection. In either case, with appropriate treatment, the prognosis is generally good.

  • Hookworm is a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract of cats. Their name is derived from the hook-like mouthparts they use to anchor themselves to the lining of the intestinal wall. How the infection is spread along with clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are covered in this handout.

  • Hookworm is a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Their name is derived from the hook-like mouthparts they use to anchor themselves to the lining of the intestinal wall. How the infection is spread along with clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are covered in this handout.

  • Canine hot spots are red, inflamed skin lesions that appear quickly, ooze, and may contain pus. They are the result of a dog excessively scratching, licking, or chewing at an itch. There are several possible underlying causes of the itch and it is crucial to determine what it is to successfully treat the problem. This handout explains these possible causes and the treatment(s) required to resolve them.

  • Imidocarb dipropionate is an injectable medication that is administered by a veterinarian to treat babesiosis in dogs. It is also used off-label to treat other protozoal infections in dogs, cats, and horses. Most common side effects include mild drooling, tearing, vomiting, or nasal drip. Do not use in pets with exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting drugs, pesticides, or chemicals. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Whipworm Infections in Dogs

    Los gusanos látigo son parásitos intestinales de una longitud aproximada de 6 mm (1/4 inch). Viven en el ciego y el colon (intestino grueso) de los perros donde provocan irritación en el revestimiento de estos órganos. Los gusanos látigo provocan diarrea acuosa y sanguinolenta, pérdida de peso y debilidad generalizada. Son uno de los gusanos más patogénicos en perros.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Dogs

    ¿Qué son los gusanos planos? Los gusanos planos son gusanos intestinales que están compuestos por pequeños segmentos, cada uno aproximadamente 3-5 mm (1/4 – ½ ) de largo. A diferencia de los gusanos redondos que viven libremente en el tracto gastrointestinal, los gusanos planos se adhieren a la pared del intestino delgado usando sus partes bucales.

  • Parvovirus in Dogs

    La infección por parvovirus canino es una enfermedad relativamente moderna que apareció por primera vez en 1978. Debido a la gravedad del proceso y su rápida propagación en la población canina, la parvovirosis constituye un problema de interés público.