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Pet Health Library

Preventive Care & Wellness + English

  • Like most terriers, Westies love to chase things and could get scrappy with other dogs, but the West Highland White Terrier is among the more trusting and gregarious of the Scottish terriers.

  • Cats can have misalignment of the teeth much like people. In people, orthodontic care can be used to perfect a pleasing smile or create a functional bite. In cats, the goal is to make the mouth functional and pain free. Often, this involves moving, reducing the height of teeth, or extracting teeth.

  • Dogs can have misalignment of the teeth much like people. In people, orthodontic care can be used to perfect a pleasing smile or create a functional bite. In dogs, the goal is to make the mouth functional and pain free. Often this involves moving teeth, reducing the height of teeth, or extracting teeth.

  • Cat grass can be one of many cereal grains such as oat, wheat, barley, alfalfa, or rye. The grass is planted and cultivated indoors and presented to the cat as a supplement to the existing diet. Eating grass targets a cat’s natural instinct to forage and provides entertainment as well as nutritional and digestive value.

  • Most Whippets are quiet, gentle, and well-behaved inside the house, and love to join their people on the couch (and to keep the couch warm when their people aren't sitting on it!). They're friendly to visitors – no watchdog here – and aren't afraid to show how much they adore their owners.

  • Dogs were built to chew. That is a fact. Bones can lead to a number of health problems from minor injuries to severe illness. Our job as pet parents, is to provide them with chewing options that do not put them in jeopardy. Happy chewing!

  • Cats will always lick, but it is sometimes embarrassing when they lick their private parts. Licking after eliminating is normal; however, if your cat licks more frequently, or you notice other signs such as discharge; swollen or red penis, vulva, or anus; pustules; discoloration of the skin; or if your cat strains to urinate, see your veterinarian for help. Appropriate medical therapy can reduce your cat's discomfort.

  • Turning around before bedtime has its origin mostly in evolutionary history where cat ancestors were practicing these habits for health or protection. These innate habits remain in their genetic code to this day but if your cat is seeming to be doing it excessively, it could be a sign of underlying medical problems, such as arthritis of neurological disorders. Contact your veterinarian if your cat appears to have difficulty settling down.

  • Burying of toys or food items by dogs goes back thousands of years as a means of preserving food and storing valuable or scarce food resources. Dogs today do it out of ancestral habit and as a means of resource protection. If you notice that your dog seems to be digging compulsively, contact your veterinarian.

  • Running a veterinary clinic has a lot of overhead and behind the scenes cost that many pet owners aren't aware of. Human healthcare is far more expensive and less efficient than you realize. Plan ahead and take preventive steps to help reduce treating costly problems.